#48. Steven Andrews—Mastering Real Estate: Mentorship, Market Timing, and Profitable Portfolios

SOARX Consulting was created to help every day people get into real estate! Steven Andrews came from a blue collar family. Coming out of college, he was $75,000 in debt and making $45,000 a year. He wanted more and knew something needed to change. He circled back to the dream he had at High Point University after taking a real estate class his senior year. He knew he didn’t have money to put down for his first rental but had a credit card, he could get money off of. That is exactly what he did and used that money to help buy his first rental. He overcame doubts and fears to pursue his dreams. Steven now owns and manages hundreds of properties through his virtual property management company, RMG. With a mission to empower others, Steven is writing a book and founding SOARX Consulting to help individuals achieve their goals by starting their own rental property company. Steven wants to share his expertise and inspires us to achieve our dreams. SOARX Consulting offers an 11 week course, which gives you a step by step road map on how to be successful in the business called real estate. This is the same proven process that Steven personally used to navigate the success that he has had. SOARX Consulting is here to help the next generation of people achieve their dream of getting into real estate! Also Stevens book called The New American Dream will be released March 12!

Steven Andrews is a real estate investor, business coach, and author with nearly a decade’s experience working in the real estate rental market. He founded SOARX Consulting in 2023 to empower individuals to turn their real estate dreams into reality. Coming out of college, Steven Andrews was $75,000 in debt and making $45,000 a year.

He wanted more and knew something needed to change. Circling back to the dream he once had while studying at High Point University, Steven overcame his doubts and bought his first rental property. Within nine years, Steven went from buying properties to supplement his income to pursuing real estate full-time.

Today, he owns and manages hundreds of properties through his virtual property management company, Realty Management Group. Remembering how hard it was to overcome his own doubts and insecurities at the beginning of his investment career, Steven is now on a mission to empower others to achieve their own goals in real estate. In addition to writing his new book, The New American Dream: A Simple Roadmap to Purchasing Investment Properties (Tasfil Publishing; March 12, 2024), Steven established SOARX Consulting, where he provides an eleven-week course outlining the same process he used to create his rental property company. The program, like the book, offers a roadmap to finding the kind of success Steven has in the business called real estate.

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#49. Deborah Razo—Flipping Challenges into Opportunities: A Journey in Real Estate Investment


#47. Rocky Lalvani—The Principles of Profit First: Prioritizing Profit in Business Measuring ROI in Marketing and Sales