Rich Carey

I believe conservative investing is superior to aggressive tactics.

I’ve been successful with conservative index fund real estate investing and currently own 30 units, with 20 single family homes paid off.

While serving in the military, I paid off my student loans in a year, our $280k mortgage in 6 years, flipped several houses in Washington D.C. to help build income for real estate investing, purchased 20 rental properties with cash and set up systems to do all of this while serving overseas.

I just retired from the United States Air Force.  I’m now living in Montgomery, Alabama, where all my properties are. I served 20 years as a Special Agent in the Air Force (similar to NCIS).

I’ve worked with embassies all over the world, and had the chance to work closely with NATO, the UN, and even negotiate peace treaties.

Rich On Money

Rich On Money is my channel of real estate and investing advice. I talk about how money works in the real world. Minus the hype and the BS most gurus throw out there to fuel sales of whatever the hell they are pitching. Retired military member. Coffee lover.

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