Chris Arnold

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Chris Arnold, a real estate-virtual-entrepreneur, took his business online way before it was a necessity. Learn how he manages his real estate business and coaching programs from a Caribbean hot-spot.

After a defining moment as a teen from East Texas, Chris Arnold set out to get his master’s in theology. After finishing up grad school, he was conflicted to either follow his vocation or enter the business world. He decided to take some time to think and travel the world, visiting Italy, Greece, Uganda, Kenya, Egypt, India, Thailand, and Turkey. When he came back, he had influences that encouraged his direction toward real estate. For 15 years, Chris has been building his real estate businesses.

As those businesses grew, so did his deep value for four freedoms; time, resources, thought, and location. He came to understand that he could run a profitable business, live the life he wanted, and serve others. He now lives out his dream in Tulum, Mexico, all his real estate businesses run virtually, and he fulfills his vocation of helping others through his online coaching programs.

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