#7. Rich Carey—Building Two Careers: Military and Real Estate Investor

Richard Carey has played his investments conservatively, often paying cash for his assets. Learn how his strategies helped him pay off debt, all while having a full-time career abroad in the military.

Now here is a real estate investor who knows that slow and steady wins the race. You may think that real estate is a lucrative way to make money quickly, but in this podcast, you'll learn that it's often about the long game. 

If you want to build a real estate portfolio the steady way, you are in for a treat!

Rich Carey had a career in the military for 20 years and spent many years abroad, but even so, he wanted a backup plan early on in case something happened to that career. 

He learned some valuable lessons purchasing his own residential properties and through those and over time now has an impressive portfolio to show for it. He did this while taking a more conservative approach, not overleveraging, and often paying cash for properties.  

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Stitcher, Castbox, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform.

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Selected links from the episode:

Rich on Money
Rich on Money YouTube

Connect with Rich Carey:

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#8. Max Keller—From Math Teacher to Fix and Flip Book Author


#6. Mitch Stephen—When Common Sense Makes More Cents to this Real Estate Veteran