Tyler Small

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Tyler is from Delaware, went to high school in PA, and ended up at Penn State for college.

Tyler left PSU early to pursue an opportunity with a direct sales company with some college friends that led them to Miami. They did well but that was short-lived and eventually, Tyler and his friend, Andrew (now current business partner) invested some money in an RE deal in Philly as silent partners. The deal went horrible which forced them to get involved to clean up the mess but they saw the potential of what RE investing could be if they had better partnerships.

From there they worked for an acquisitions company to earn commission while learning the markets, network with investors, etc, always with the end goal to start their own company ASAP. Eventually, they raised funds to perform another fix-n-flip project on their own which was profitable.

Fast forward 5 years and they are currently developing 26 units. They do a mix of flips and buy and hold 1-4 unit rentals, both rehab, and new construction. They have their realtor and GC licenses and just launched in-house property management. The end goal is to own and manage larger apartment buildings, flip super high-end houses, and be fully vertically integrated as a company.

Axe Philly

Axe Philly is a real estate enterprise centrally focused on property acquisition, renovating unique & tastefully designed single-family homes (“rehabs”), and providing quality rental housing within the City of Brotherly Love.

As a lean and dynamic team, Axe has an intimate knowledge of each Philadelphia sub-market, allowing our team to source & execute deals in all neighborhoods, including those overlooked and underserved by traditional firms.

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Tom Parmentier


Victor Thompson