Josh Wells


Connect with Josh:


Josh grew up in the real estate business and spent time working in property management, where his passion for helping others grew.

Born and raised in England, he has had the opportunity to be exposed to many different cultures while growing up which helps him connect with people from all backgrounds and cultures.

Josh values making a difference in the world and wants to impact as many people as he can with the time he has. He has helped build the Edie Waters Network to a 100+ million dollar team in multiple locations while also building a new property management company to over 125 doors in just 18 months.

In his spare time, he enjoys watching and playing soccer, spending football season at Arrowhead Stadium cheering on the Chiefs, and spending time with his family.

Integrity 1st Properties

Integrity 1st Properties is a Kansas City based property management company that offers full-service management as well as tenant placement services. We pride ourselves on communication and detail and feel the value of our experienced partners offer the best service to our owners and tenants we serve. We have built our business on 3 core pillars. 1) Management 2) Marketing and 3) Accounting.

We treat both our owners and tenants with the same care and attention and that has helped us grow with multiple investors both from Kansas City and out of state and even out of country.

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Sonja Huntsman