Step 10: Feed Your Database
Nourish to flourish.
Step number 10 is a topic I'm very passionate about because it's an area where I see business owners bail out all of the time, whether they're investors, real estate agents, or just small business owners in general.
This has to do with building and feeding your database on a consistent basis. You can meet people and invite people out for cups of coffee, but then you need a system.
You need a CRM.
You need a way to make sure that you're communicating with your audience on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis and providing them massive value through videos, emails, newsletters, and direct mail.
You need to feed your database every. single. day.
Question of the day:
What is your system for feeding your database? What tools work well for you?
Up tomorrow:
Now that you have created massive value, you have earned the right to ask for help.
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